Yep, a blogroll. I know, to many they seem...quaint. Or even antiquated.
I disagree.
Blogs and blogrolls built the internet as we know it and they deserve a respectful place in today's internet as well.
So here's my contribution to the continuation of the humble blogroll, an ever-changing and expanding list of the blogs (and since it's 2024, newsletters) I read, and that have contributed to how I think about the world around me.
*Note, this page is a work in progress, so come back often to see what updates I've made.
Blogs I follow:
Patrick Rhone - I've followed and read Patrick's stuff for years. If you need a dose of calm realism from a dad in Minnesota, Patrick's your man.
Alastair Johnston - Another down-to-earth writer on all things simple, Alastair is a newer addition to my reading list, but he's never disappointed me.
Brendan Leonard - Semi-Rad is one of the first blogs I ever added to Google Reader back in the day and He's still going strong. If you want a realist's take on the outdoor industry and how to adventure as a real person...Brendan's your go-to guy.
Seattle Bike Blog - OK, this one's a bit niche, but if you happen to also live in Seattle and also ride bikes, you'll love what Tom has to say.
Erik Barker - Barking Up The Wrong Tree, really the name says it all. Barker is a pro at distilling complex subjects down to easily understood, and often hilarious, language. So approachable it's ridiculous.
Charlie Warzel - OK, not technically a blog, but Warzel is one of the only tech journalists I bother with these days. And I work in the tech industry.
Maria Popova - The Marginalian, formerly Brain Pickings, has been one of my top picks for years. The byline says it all, "interestingness, curated."